What do I mean by caregiver budgets? I have two primary goals: a good quality of life for the pet and a good relationship with the pet. Here are my budgets: money, time, emotional, and physical.
- Money: Increased veterinary visits, more frequent diagnostics to ensure than we are maintaining the best balance possible has increased fund requirements.
- Time: Most of us have obligations that require our time outside of the home, and there are times when pets need care (medicine, elimination breaks, physical help) every few hours. This is a constant time constraint for their caregivers, and usually requires a team. And still, it is hard.
- Emotional: Is the quality of life still good enough? Is this bad day the beginning of the end? Can I handle saying goodbye? Am I being selfish? These are questions we get asked often, and we have asked ourselves as we have gotten closer to saying goodbye to our pets. Anticipatory grief is real and painful. On the opposite of this we’ve helped pets that are the last link to the owner’s spouse and that can bring it’s own emotional turbulence.
- Physical: Can you physically manage the assistance your pet needs to get up and go outside to go potty? For the 20lb dog this might not be a problem for you, but what if your dog is 100lbs? Or you have physical limitations yourself? Exhaustion can also be a factor, as your pet may now inhibit your ability to sleep due to needing aid, or simply not being able to rest themselves. We each have our own capacities that we have to factor in.

As your budgets become stretched, please reach out for help. Burdens shared are lessened, and the caregiving burden is its own blend of joy, pride, and sorrow. You are not alone, and you have to take care of YOU to take care of your pet. Symptoms of caregiver burnout include irritability, withdrawal from loved ones and activities you once enjoyed, changes to sleep patterns or an inability to stay focused. If you are struggling, please also reach out for help. Another resource for you is www.petcaregiverburden.com.