
The Traveling Vet - Where Healing Comes to You

Mobile veterinary service offers many advantages, including a fear-free environment for your pet’s healthcare needs and convenience for you. All routine wellness procedures as well as most diagnostic testing can be done with a house call. However there are some limitations, including a longer turn-around time for bloodwork (usually overnight), X-rays, and surgical limitations. During an appointment call a short history will be taken regarding the needs and concerns for your pet. If necessary we will recommend going to a full service veterinary hospital. Our priority is getting your pet the healthcare he needs.

Here are some of the services that can be done with a house call:

  • Full body examinations: Examinations into the health of your pet can be hampered by fear and anxiety in the typical clinic surroundings. Examining your pet where he is comfortable can give us more information, as your pet will likely be more expressive and cooperative.
  • Vaccinations: There are many options for vaccinations for your pet, from Rabies to Leptospira to Feline Leukemia Virus. You and Dr. Melissa will discuss your pet’s lifestyle and risk factors to come up with a vaccination protocol that is tailored to your individual pet’s needs. As vaccinations are only appropriate to administer to healthy pets, an annual exam is required with vaccinations. Here are the vaccinations we offer:
    • Dogs: Rabies, DA2PP, Leptospira, and Bordetella bronchiseptica
    • Cats: Rabies, FVRCP, and Feline Leukemia Virus
  • Routine Diagnostics:
    • Heartworm tests
    • Fecal parasites diagnostics
    • Tick panels
    • Skin scraping
    • Ear cytology
    • Fine Needle Aspirate (FNA) cytology of masses
    • Eye exams (including testing for dry eye, glaucoma, and ulcers)
    • Urinalysis
    • Bloodwork (including Complete Blood Count (CBC), blood chemistries, vaccination titers, thyroid testing, and pharmaceutical therapeutic monitoring) can be drawn, and the turn around time is usually very minimal.
  • Minor Procedures
    • Microchip administration
    • Nail trims – can be performed during medical visits
    • Anal gland expression – can be performed during medical visits
    • Laceration repairs and minor sedation procedures
    • Allergy and pain injections
    • Ear cleaning

  • Pet hospice (“pawpice”) and end of life care
    • Pain management and comfort control for terminal or chronically ill patients
    • Quality of life assessments and discussions
    • Euthanasia: Blessed are those who mourn. We believe that while this is the hardest decision you will have to make as a pet owner, there are times when it is also the last kindness you can give your pet. Euthanasia is a Greek word meaning “beautiful death.” We strive to ensure that your pets ending is a peaceful one. Every pet euthanasia will start with sedation and your pet will gently go under sedation with you. Only then will we euthanize.
    • Cremation options: We can offer cremation services to our euthanasia clients. We work with Friends of the Family, where you can have your pet’s ashes sprinkled over their scatter garden or returned to your family.