Veterinary hospice is a family-centered, medically supervised approach to managing your pet’s dignity, comfort, and quality of life until their passing. The goal of hospice isn’t to cure your pet, but to provide palliative care by managing their symptoms and maintaining the human-animal bond.
Pawspice is for when you’ve heard the words “there’s nothing else to do.” It is for when you’ve gotten the terminal cancer diagnosis, or are managing mounting age-related problems. Pawspice is for when you need your pet to be comfortable so your family has time to gather, or when the diagnostics included in treatment are damaging your relationship with your pet’s overall quality of life.

Pawspice can include changes to medicinal protocols and environmental recommendations. It ALWAYS includes education on your pet’s disease process, possible progression, and pain recognition training specific for your pet.
Our grey muzzled pets are perhaps the most treasured, and these years the sweetest. There are many ways to make these older years more comfortable for them, but we must always keep in mind the needs of the family as a whole. Dr Melissa and Jamie do our very best to take care of both of you.