Welcome to The Traveling Vet, servicing the small animal veterinary needs of the greater Springfield area.
We offer convenient, compassionate veterinary appointments where your pet is most comfortable – at your home. Please call for an appointment Monday-Friday 8a.m.-5p.m.
The Traveling Vet is no longer accepting new clients aside from those needing home euthanasia. Our standards are such that we need to be available to our patients within a reasonable time frame, and if we continue to grow we won’t be able to serve you as we feel we should. We also believe that home euthanasia is one of the most important services we can offer our community, and want to do our best to be available. If you are in need, or are even researching home euthanasia, please give us a call. We can talk to you about what we can offer and what you can expect. As always, give your fur baby all the love you have.
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